Week 28 developments: Apparently Caroline weighs 2 and a quarter pounds now, about the size of a head of Chinese cabbage, as pictured above and she is about 15" long. She can open and close her eyes now, which apparently have grown lashes this week. Her main upcoming developments will be growing her brain and adding some body fat to her little body. I had an appointment yesterday where they made me take the glucose test (gross) and gave me a Rhogam shot since I have negative blood and Seth has positive blood. This shot will prevent us from attacking each other while she's in there since there's a possibility that she'll have positive blood as well. The doctor listened to her heartbeat (normal as usual) and apparently she didn't like the monitoring device much because she kept kicking it off before the doctor could get a reading. So, I suppose this could be an indication that she'll be strong-willed like me...ohhh boooy. I can tell how big and strong she's getting because you can see my entire stomach move when she kicks/elbows/rolls. Seth felt it last night and he still says it's got to be me doing that with my stomach because he can't believe such a tiny baby can make that much movement. I just laugh and shake my head and say,"Oh you just wait and SEE what this tiny baby is capable of." We attended our Epidural Class (score) and Birthing Class this week. The Birthing Class came with a "baby manual" as Seth refers to it. A book on delivery and the first few weeks of taking care of a newborn. And they made us watch a "natural" delivery and a c-section delivery. He handled that better than me, but I think that's because he won't be the one actually doing those things. I've decided to go with the NO mirror option in the delivery room, thankyouverymuch.
So, those are our only updates for this week. I'll be going to visit Siobhan this weekend in Fort Walton for her birthday, so I might sneak in some pregnant pictures. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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