Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Go Sox!

Watching the game before bed. That look says,"Stupid Rangers!"

She's ready for her first game! (Hint, hint Grandpa!) :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Aforementioned screaming face

Exhibit A: I AM NOT happy.

2 Month Stats + Pictures

My beautiful, talented cousin, Siobhan took these. The tutu was made and given to me by a sweet client.

She definitely got that look from me.  Oops!

Blanket was monogrammed and given to us by another client.

So, when my cousin (who is also Caroline's Godmother) came for her christening, she took some amazing pictures for me.  I can't wait to get the CD of all the pictures and print/frame them.  She did such a great job, despite the fact that my child acts like she's allergic to the sun.  No, really.  She screamed her head off at the beginning of the shoot because we were taking pictures in the sunlight.  But, Siobhan was patient and creative and we found beautiful areas in the lovely shade to take her pictures and all was right in the world. 

In other news, last week we had her 2 month check up, WITH vaccinations.  Yeah, I cried a little, so what? It was awful! THREE, count them...ONE..TWO...THREE needles were stuck into her adorable little legs. And on the third needle, when I can hardly even stand it any longer, the nurse says,"Here's the third shot.  It hurts the MOST." Really? Saving the best for last? Why, thank you for telling me this!  Anyway, Caroline screamed like we were literally severing her legs with a plastic knife...I cried...and Seth was the strong pillar, thankfully.  She didn't get a fever (YAY!), but when we rubbed her legs like they told us to that screaming came back.  My Dad texted me asking me if she took her shots like I used to...apparently shots didn't faze me and I never cried. (I was a weird child) I explained that no, she had cried (downplay) and all was well again...after she had diarrhea all over Seth.  It was bath time and I offered him the option of doing the dishes or bathing the baby. He chose baby.  She gave him a poopy explosion AND puked on him in the bath tub.  Heh, the dishes were looking MIGHTY fine to me ;-)   So her stats are as follows:
Height: 25" (89%)
Weight: 13 lb (91%)
Head: Don't remember, but 91%
So all in all she is perfectly healthy and proportional.  The doctor said we could start rice cereal, especially considering her size, but she wasn't having that and the formula seems to be doing the trick.  So, I'm going to hold off a little while.  But, I AM preparing for making her food.  I am very excited for all of the new veggies and fruits she will be trying in the coming months...someone remind me of this excitement when I have carrot puree on my face on a Sunday afternoon, trying to get the week's food prepared before the work week begins. Have a happy weekend, folks!