Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 12, 2011

5 Months!

I'm 5 months today!

My cute church dress

Successful run!

Madison helping Caroline feed herself.
So, we had a fun weekend just the two of us.  Seth's grandmother passed away, sadly, so he had to fly up to Baltimore this weekend.  We really, really miss him, but we stayed nice and busy this weekend, so it wasn't all bad.  Saturday, we picked up a SWEET jogging stroller from Amy (Woo, thanks!) and went to Kohl's to buy some Father's Day presents.  Then, Madison came over while Candy and Shannon went to the Lady Antebellum concert.  They were so sweet together.  Madison was very helpful and helped me with everything for Caroline.  We had a great time.  Then baby and I got up this morning and joined the Weinfurters and Heinigs (people Seth works with) at church.  Caroline stayed in the nursery and apparently was all smiles and sweetness for them.  I love how her entire face lights up and smiles when other people smile at her.  She is just SUCH a smiley baby.  Afterward, we were pretty worn out so we took a nice, long nap together.  Then, since we'd been a little lazy this weekend (I usually try to catch up on Army Wives when Seth is gone..) I decided to try out that cadillac jogging stroller.  Caroline was squirmy and not enjoying the heat at first, but I'd say a quarter way through my first mile, she was knocked out.  I stopped running just to make sure she was still breathing because she fell asleep so quickly! That thing has SUCH a smooth ride and she slept through my entire run.  I was SO happy!  But, let me tell ya...running while pushing 16 pounds is no joke! I got a great workout in!

And I have been TERRIBLE about measuring Caroline next to her little alligator friend, but I remembered to today on her 5 month birthday.  I cannot believe she's 5 months already! She's changed so much over the last few weeks and can now do the following:
-Roll from back to stomach and the daycare says she's rolled back to her back, but I haven't caught her yet.
-Hold her own bottle (yay!)
-She LOVES playing peek-a-boo and it's the quickest way to get a giggle!
-Once she's on her stomach, she gets up on her knees and can get up on her arms, but tries to pull the ground as opposed to moving her arms.  It's pretty funny to watch.
- So far she LOVES butternut squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, and pears.  She does not, however, like bananas so much...weird.
That's all I can think of right now, but I love the funny little personality she is developing.  Her smiles and giggles melt my heart and make my days so much sweeter.  Here's to the next 5 months going by more slowly!


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