Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Day weekend in Florida

Photography  by Siobhan Simeone

Caroline LOVES Vivianna

I'm ready for the beach, Mom!

Workin on my tan..

So we packed up the house, ok only half of the house, and headed down to visit the Simeones this weekend in Navarre.  We got there kinda late Friday night, so we put baby straight to bed and enjoyed some delicious margaritas with Steve and Siobhan.  Needless to say, we were hurting the next day.  So, once we were all recovered we packed up the babies and went to lunch.  After some yummy, greasy burgers, we headed to Destin to walk it off in the wonderful sunshine.  The water was PACKED with boats.  I'll admit, it was the first time I REALLY wished we were vacationing babyless.  But, we decided that healthwise it was better to vacation with baby, haha.  Afterward, we went to an AH-MAZING frozen yogurt place, 32degrees. SO good.  Caroline was such a great baby all weekend.  She LOVED Vivianna and would laugh at her and give her the BIGGEST smiles every time she came around.  I think it's because she has so much interaction with babies that are a few months older than her at the daycare.  She didn't fuss at all and just enjoyed rolling around on the floor with Vivi...yeah, she's a MAJOR roller now.  We all went to bed early on Saturday because we were still tired from the margaritas traveling the night before.  Sunday we all lathered up with sunblock, overpacked, and took the babies to Navarre Beach.  It was beautiful and breezy and Caroline loved it! I took her in the water for a little while, but it was getting close to nap time, so I layed her down and she passed right out.  It looked so peaceful taking a nice, long nap under an umbrella with the beach breeze and waves crashing in the background.  I think all this water/sun tolerance we've been training our little pale child with is working! Which is great because the cruise is only two months away!!  Sunday night, Steve and Siobhan watched Caroline while Seth and I went to the Pensacola Fish House for dinner.  The restaurant was great.  The view was amazing, right on the water, but the shrimp and grits were nowhere near as good as my dad's....but the food was still good.  Monday we had to pack up and head back, which was sad.  But not before my very talented cousin took pictures of Caroline.  I can't wait to print and hang them!  I hope everyone else had a relaxing, enjoyable holiday.


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